30 December 2012

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

Prolly NSFW this week (salty language)...

Whoah- Surreal Dash Cam Video of Yesterday's Russian Plane Crash

Prayers go out to the famlies of the 4/8 Red Wings crew lost when their Tu-204 overshot a runway yesterday in Moscow- yet with no passengers on-board this one could have been 
whole lot worse:

Video of the russia plane crash yesterday on a Moscow freeway

28 December 2012

10 Most Monumentally
Idiotic Quotes of 2012

1   'Seniors love getting junk mail. It’s sometimes their only way of communicating or feeling like they’re part of the
real world.' 
  -Harry Reid 

23 December 2012

Advanced 3-D Printing Technology on the Verge of Making Gun Control 'Impossible'

HaveBlue 3D-printed AR-15

Seems the progs are at it again, not actually accomplishing anything you could call 'progress' re. gun violence while pig-headedly attempting to fix yesterday's problems with solutions that never worked in the first place...

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

22 December 2012

My Own Personal Tale Regarding
Drinking and Driving this Holiday Season

With the Holidays upon us I would like to share a personal experience with my friends about drinking and driving-

Replace John Boehner as Speaker (!)

Yep, ya heard it here first: TEA Party
on the verge of taking-over Congress...

Speaking on the O'Reilly Factor, Laura Ingraham said a 'well-placed conservative voice on the Hill' told her he's beginning to hear rumblings of a move to replace John Boehner as House Speaker. 

And the name that keeps coming up?

20 December 2012

The Jimi Hendrix Experience:

'A slow twelve-bar blues and 'one of the most traditional 
in sound and form of all his official recordings...'

In other words, if you like the blues, you'll dig it:

Jimi Hendrix 1966 RED HOUSE BLUES
This is a great CD- been listening to it for years:

★Christmas FAIL★

Reagan on 'Blaming Society'

ObamaCare 2016

ObamaCare 2016

ABC's Jake Tapper to Obama:
'WHERE Have You Been?'

Followed by typical diversionary, non-answer of course...

Jake Tapper, Obama, Where Have You Been
h/t Government Mess

19 December 2012

Cheap Trick: 'I'm a California Man'

Highlights from Miss Universe 2012

Miss Honduras 2012: Jennifer Andrade Felicidades

A Dark Tale from Gun-Controlled Canada
for 'Progressive' #Newtown Opportunists

Of course in the wake of the Newtown school-shooting massacre, we need to be 'more like Canada', and obviously the Framers never envisioned today's powerful weapons, huge magazines, nor advanced weapons technology that makes such gruesome crimes possible... right libs?

18 December 2012

REALLY Bad Christmas Gifts

Merry Christmas Honey!

Ronald Reagan on 'Gun Control'

Reagan on Gun Control

You won't get gun control by disarming
law-abiding citizens.
There's only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don't actually throw-away-the-key, at least lose it for
a long time

It's a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are
not fazed by gun controllers.
I happen to know this from personal experience... 
Reagan on Gun Control
h/t Hardline Stance

What's the Difference between
Socialists and Communists?

Joke from communist-era Poland still rings-true...

Teen: 'Father, what's the difference between 
socialists and communists?'

Dad: 'The communists shoot you right in the head, 

while socialists torment you through your whole life.'

More dark humor from behind the iron curtain at
Mayakas: she was there...

16 December 2012

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

On December 9th, a group of Pekin, Illinois bikers were riding west on I-74 when they saw a girl about to jump off the Murray Baker Bridge . 

 So they stopped...

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

14 December 2012

When You're Hot, You're Hot!

Listen up, son! Witness The Snowman live in the early 80s...

Jerry Reed: When You're 
Studio single was a monster hit in 1971, as it held #1 on the 
Billboard country chart for five straight weeks, yet as a 
crossover hit also rose to #9 on the pop chart- 
a sensation as far-away as Australia and New Zealand:

when Hot, You're Hot
More Jerry: Amos Moses (1971)

Autoblog   Wikipedia

Jerry Reed: When You're Hot, You're Hot

Global Warming Over Last Three Centuries Now an INDISPUTABLE FACT

proof of global warming
h/t Speedunque

I CHOOSE, Therefore I Am...

OptimismRevolution   h/t Vince
I Choose

10 December 2012

Reaganite Republican Celebrates
Two Million Hits-

two million hits
Thanks to all readers, lurkers, 
and snarky clingers of
the comments section... 
much obliged!

Middle East to Become an EVEN MORE Convoluted Mess as Syria Splits Into
3 or 4 Mini-States that Despise Each Other

The Assad regime in Syria is getting weaker by the day as FSA rebels continue to gain ground- they've already pretty much surrounded the capital in preparation for an all-out assault that will finally unseat Bashir Assad. But like most things over there, nothing's simple...

05 December 2012

Egyptians Hit by Dawning Realization that
Obama's on the DICTATOR's Side-
Not Theirs/Democracy

Muslim Brotherhood totalitarianism NOT welcome
photo: Doug Ross

100,000+ protesters -furious at President Morsi's brazen attempt to place himself above the nation's law/courts- forced Obama's Muslim Brotherhood ally to flee the presidential palace yesterday...

04 December 2012

Republicans Can Learn Something from a State Where Obama Lost ALL 77 COUNTIES...

In the recent presidential election, Barack Obama lost every single county in Oklahoma (Utah and West Virginia, too)... 
what do they know that we don't?

Meanwhile in Armenia . . .

dog in taillight
 h/t Doug

01 December 2012


More Goverment


Crony-Capitalist Obama Supporters to
Keep Your Money FAR Away From this
Holiday Shopping Season...

Screw them, there's other places to shop

Patriots can choose to spend their money WISELY,
in a way that starves the Obama-enabling scum that
have been helping to raze this country to the ground
(while benefiting from it greatly themselves)...