28 February 2011

Could Gaddafi Still Win...?

Perhaps the better question is: 
"can rag-tag rebels take Tripoli anytime soon?"

He's lost 3/4 of Libyan territory... army desertions rampant... international community now attempting to employ the stage-hook... so how's the 'mad dog of the Middle East'
still hanging on? 

First, there's a real reason the Libyan Army can't solve this all as cleanly as was done in Egypt: distrusting military officers like himself who possess the desire -and ability- to stage coups,
Col Gaddafi long ago emasculated his own army, rendering them largely unable to topple him.  They possess the oldest weapons, have limited intelligence capabilities, and number a mere 50,000 men. This brings the dawning realization of what Gaddafi meant last week by "this is not Egypt, this is not Tunisia."

And while many have been encouraged by pictures of soldiers joining up with the protesters, defections to this point have been along tribal lines- not something entirely unexpected. The fact is that there's simply no unitary, disciplined military force in Libya today with the ablity to quickly push Gaddafi aside...

25 February 2011

TGIF Rock-n-Roll Oldies: The Zombies - 1964

The Zombies are an English rock band formed in 1961 and led by Rod Argent on piano and Colin Blunstone on vocals.

The schoolboy chums who came to be known as The Zombies got their start playing at a St. Alban's rugby club, but soon rose from unknown local act to score major US hits later in the decade, such as "She's Not There", "Tell Her No", and "Time of the Season". 

Their 1968 album Odessey and Oracle -comprising twelve songs by the group's principal songwriters, Argent and White- ranks #80 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the '500 Greatest Albums of All Time'.

24 February 2011

Nervous Dictators from Riyadh to Havana Rushing Out Populist Concessions while Quietly Preparing for the Worst...

Recent developments in North Africa
have tyrants spooked worldwide

At this rate North Korea's scrawny, gnarled slaves 
might even see an extra bowl of gruel or two...

Stop the Hate!

Hey libs... I thought you wanted that 
Wisconsin strikers

23 February 2011

Stand-up Comedy Greats: Emo Phillips 1988

"Most states don't end in the letter 'A'..."

Surrealist comedian Emo Phillips (dob 2.08.56) is an entertainer and comedian originating from the Chicago suburb of Downers Grove, Illinois.

The highly unique brand of self-deprecating stand up comedy that made him famous is often built upon the paraprosdokians and garden path sentences spoken in a wandering falsetto tone. It's been said that the wide-eyed, confused, and childlike delivery is employed to invoke the 'wisdom of children' or the idiot savant...

"I Did Not Have Sexual Relations with that Woman!"

Ten years already since Bubba left DC... 

-click to enlarge-
Gracias Roberto~

Bill Clinton, Clinton, school, class picture, all look like clinton, i did not have sexual relations with that woman Bill Clinton, Clinton, school, class picture, all look like clinton

22 February 2011

Stuff You See at Wal-Mart

What one has to endure these days 
just to save a few bucks...

And why is there a Capybara in there, anyway?

Fresh Violence Rages in Libya (video)

Gaddafi pounds his fist while delivering rambling diatribe on TV- 
meanwhile, the outcome of the battle is far from certain...

Libya Update: Gaddafi Bombs Own Capitol as Loyalists Shoot Anything that Moves (video)

'Leader of the Revolution' appears on Libyan state TV 
while bodies pile-up in the streets of Tripoli... Libya update

Libyan TV

Anyone -like myself- wondering if Muammar Gadaffi's warped son Saif al Islam Gaddafi was just blustering on Libyan TV -wagging his finger while threatening "a river of blood" emanating from "civil war" fought to "the last bullet"- got their answer last night in the form of a gruesome ongoing massacre inflicted by military/security/militia loyalists upon their own countrymen...

21 February 2011

Colonel Gaddafi ON THE RUN: 'Mad Dog of the Middle East' Reportedly Flees Tripoli...

Libya's second city Benghazi
appears lost as troops retreat

Windmills Gone Wild!

-click any to enlarge-

For an administration that loves to drone-on-and-on about how they make decisions based in "fact" and "science" -rather than outdated concepts such as honor, common sense, morality, or patriotism- Team Obama sure don't seem to have much of an appetite for facts of the unwelcome variety, now do they- 

19 February 2011

Margaret Thatcher on Defeating Socialism

"Trying to cure the British disease with socialism 
was like trying to cure leukemia with leeches"

Much like close friend and fellow happy-warrior Ronald Reagan, British PM Margaret Thatcher loved to take on her liberal opponents... and had a lot of fun doing it. The House of Commons' raucous debate atmosphere also provided an ideal platform that often had Lady Thatcher at her very, very best. 

But also as Reagan did, the Iron Lady respected historical precedent... and knew what she was talking about: Thatcher proved it by turning her country around almost single-handedly, establishing an opportunity society that rejected socialist malaise while rewarding performers...

18 February 2011

TGIF Rock-n-Roll Oldies: Donovan 1966

Donovan (Donovan Philips Leitch 5.10.46) is a Scottish singer-songwriter and guitarist. Emerging from the British folk scene, he developed an eclectic and distinctive style that blended folk, jazz, pop, psychedelia, and world music in a way that had substantial commercial appeal. 

Donovan appeared in the UK early in 1965 with a series of live performances on the pop TV show Ready Steady Go!... and his popularity quickly spread from there.

After signing with the British label Pye Records in 1965, he recorded a handful of singles and two albums in the folk music vein with leading independent record producer Mickie Most, scoring a string of international hits.

His successful records in the 1960s included the UK hits "Catch the Wind" and "Colours" in 1965, while the next year "Sunshine Superman" went all the way to top the chart at #1 in the US.

Donovan was one of the leading British recording artists as he put-out a series of hit albums and singles between 1965 and 1970, and he even schooled Lennon and McCartney when he taught them his finger-picking guitar style in 1968...

DNC/Team Obama Caught Fomenting Collective Bargaining War in Wisconsin

"filling buses and building turnout for the rally..."


Chairman Zero's latest shameful attempt to scar this society with lasting divisions across socio-economic lines for his own political benefit involves Organizing for America, the astroturf rabble-rousing organization created for Team Obama by now WH advisor David Plouffe in 2008, and currently  operated as an arm of the Democratic National Committee...

SHOWDOWN: Alaska Gov Sean Parnell REFUSES to Enact ObamaCare...

The State of Alaska -one of 26 states signed-on as Plaintiff in the Florida federal case- has decided not to implement ObamaCare in any way after that judge struck down the entire stealth HC nationalization as unconstitutional...

17 February 2011

Killer Shell Commercial... Starring Ferrari

Here's a cool Shell commercial produced for the European market: ostensibly the Ferrari F1 racing team sponsor is selling gasoline, but the historic Ferrari racing cars steal the show...

Scuderia Ferrari actually pulled several near-priceless Formula One veterans out of storage and flew the cars around the world to film them running hard through the streets of Rome , Rio , New York , Hong Kong and Monaco. 

And there are no special effects or dubbed sound here, just original 14,000+rpm cars tearing up the streets... as the genuine audio will attest. Do put on your headphones and/or crank the volume and enjoy that symphony of cylinders.

The sounds alone should bring a tear to your eye... 
a video that stirs the soul:

Scuderia Ferrari   Shell   YouTube   F1   h/t Speedunque

Ferrari Shell Commercial, shell ferrari commercialScuderia Ferrari, F1, Formula One, historic, Monaco, Rio, xxx, Shell racing cars Ferrari Shell Commercial xxx shell ferrari commercialScuderia Ferrari xxx  Scuderia FerrariF1Formula One  historicMonacoRioxxx, Shell racing cars Ferrari Shell Commercial

16 February 2011

Stand-up Comedy Greats: Steven Wright Debuts on The Tonight Show - 1982

"Yeah, it's a small world... but I wouldn't want to paint it"

Steven Wright -dob 12.06.55- is an American comedian, actor and writer. Widely known for a distinct lethargic voice and deadpan delivery in a droning monotone, the highly-original style of humor centers on ironic, philosophical, and even nonsensical jokes and one-liners with often bizarre, contrived situations...

Hosni Mubarak in Death Spiral Since Being Forced from Office...

Saudi Official: Mubarak has given up and 'wants to die'

There is talk of his depression, refusing to take medicine for ongoing health issues, and even of his falling into a coma this weekend.

Yet despite reports that he'd flown to Germany, Hosni Mubarak is refusing Saudi offers to host him, instead saying he prefers to remain on Egyptian soil to the end of his days... which may be drawing near from the sound of things:

Thank God... a Sign of Spring!

We already have deer frolicking about in the yard...

Shouldn't be long now, kids-

-Gracias Roberto-

15 February 2011

WHO Lives in a House Like This?

Can you imagine the bloated ego and over-the-top taste to indulge in such exaggerated -even cartoonish- opulence?

A Saudi Prince, ya think? 

Russian oligarch? 

Chinese billionaire? 

Or was it Louis XIV of France...?

14 February 2011

The Ten Poorest US Cities... and Why

% living below the poverty level:

1.  Detroit ,  MI              32.5%
2.  Buffalo , NY             29.9%
3. Cincinnati , OH        27.8%
4  Cleveland , OH        27.0%
5. Miami , FL                 26.9%
6. St. Louis , MO          26.8%
7. El Paso , TX             26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI        26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA    25.1%
10. Newark , NJ           24.2%

What do these top ten cities (pop over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common...?

13 February 2011

John Bolton for President...?

Cornered and asked at CPAC if he's running, foreign policy master John Bolton said "I'm thinking about it... and by that I mean I'm thinking about it": that is, he's truly undecided at this point and not merely being coy.  Bolton added that there's a number of factors to consider, and he's in no rush... could even toss his hat in at the end of the year.

While noting that he's never run for public office in his life, Bolton stressed that his mission would be to bring the foreign policy debate "front and center"... forcing not only GOP candidates to articulate positions, but the White House as well.... as they appear to have no clue:

Although John Bolton has long had his reservations regarding the Obama Administration's hare-brained foreign policy, the pitiful performance in the Egypt crisis seems to have created almost a sense of panic: even Bolton's in shock at diplomatic bungling that he called "hesitant, inconsistent, confused... and just plain wrong". 

He went on to call Obama "weak" and "indecisive" on foreign policy issues, and when asked specifically about the revolution in Egypt, Bolton was blunt to his CPAC audience: "We don't have the leadership in the White House that can deal with it".

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

-click on any to enlarge-

12 February 2011

Ann Coulter is a Genius

During her question and answer session at CPAC 2011, Ann Coulter was asked who was her least favorite Democrat. 

“That’s like asking me about my least favorite disease.”

God help me, I love this woman...

Ann coulter, gateway pundit, least favorite democrat, xxx. Ann coulter, gateway punditleast favorite democrat, xxx. Ann coulter, gateway punditleast favorite democrat, xxx. 

Keeping it All in Perspective...

Take a moment and consider your place 
in the bigger scheme of things~

-click any to enlarge-

And while that's indeed illuminating (sorry)....  it's 
big universe with plenty of other stars out there:

11 February 2011

R-n-R Oldies: Derek and the Dominos 1970

Eric Clapton with Pattie Boyd

Derek and the Dominos were a blues-rock band formed in the spring of 1970 by guitarist and singer Eric Clapton along with keyboardist Bobby Whitlock, bassist Carl Radle and drummer Jim Gordon. The band released only one studio album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs, featuring major contributions from guitarist Duane Allman working with the band as a session musician.

The album went on to receive critical acclaim, but initially faltered in sales and in radio airplay. Although released in 1970 it was not until March 1972 that the album's single 'Layla' (a tale of then-unrequited love inspired by Clapton's relationship with his friend George Harrison's wife, Pattie Boyd Harrison) would make the top ten in both the US and the UK.

This sole album produced as Derek and the Dominos -hailed by critics and fans alike for songs such as 'Bell Bottom Blues' and 'Layla'- is widely considered to be the defining achievement of Clapton's career...

BREAKING: Mubarak Resigns

After leaving Cairo for the Sinai resort of 
Sharm el-Sheikh earlier today, Mubarak steps down...
The BBC has the breaking story as the Army declares emergency rule -here-

Live streaming coverage -here-