30 May 2013

Dr K: REAL Benghazi Scandal Is That
Obama NEVER Sought Help For Stevens,
Was Concocting a Cover Story Before
Victims Were Even Dead (!)

I think there is a bigger story here 
that will in time come out. 

The biggest scandal of all, the biggest question is what was the president doing in those eight hours. He had a routine meeting at five o’clock. He never after during the eight hours when our guys have their lives in danger, he never called the Secretary of Defense, he never calls the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, he never called the CIA Director, Who does he call? 

But in five hours he calls the Secretary of State. And after the phone call she releases a statement essentially about the video and how we denounce any intolerance. It looks as if the only phone call is to construct a cover story at a time when the last two Americans who died were still alive and fighting for their lives. There’s the scandal and that has to be uncovered.

29 May 2013

What the ARGUS Drone Camera's
6" Resolution Can See From 17,000 ft...

for a reason!!!

20 May 2013

Anti-Fraud Group 'True the Vote' Harassed
NOT JUST by IRS, but FBI, OSHA... then ATF!

Talkin a lot more than a tax audits now...

Houston-based True the Vote is an organization dedicated to preserving the integrity of the voting process. They're a outfit any normal, good-faith American ought to be glad exists, what with 160 U.S. counties showing more people registered than the actual number of live, eligible voters in existence. Alas, the compulsively-crooked Obama White House despises them.

15 May 2013

Hump-Day Humor

Sounds Like Petty, Warped Obama Tried to Get His Own (Conservative) Cousin FIRED While the IRS Screwed w/ His Refund!

If you've ever had the pleasure of interacting with Dr Milton Wolf -physician, blogger, and writer for the Washington Times- he's as about as nice and genuine a guy as you could ask to meet...
hard to imagine anybody having much of a problem with him.

Alas, today he stands as a microcosm of the TEA Party movement as a whole: just like its shocking to see Obama treat radicals better than us 'good guys', Wolf's crime is being a constitutionally-aware patriot, and daring to speak out against this vile regime. 

But since he's family, there's a special kind of hate reserved for wayward kin, of course... even harsher and more bileful than the normal, garden-variety hate Obama reserves for all the rest of us.

Another commonality would be Obama's IRS going after so many TEA Party groups, while the government was also apparently also working to get Milton Wolf canned...

During the 5/14/2013 White House press conference,
Dr. Wolf tweeted: 

The same year the #IRS held up my tax refund for months w/o ever saying why, the WH urged the @WashTimes to drop me.

 I asked him for more details. He explained what happened back in 2010 (quoted with his permission): 
 They called my editor and feigned concern that the Washington Times was taking advantage of me… by publishing my op-eds critical of Barack Obama. 

Around the same time the IRS put a hold on our tax refund that required an arbitrator and several months to resolve. We finally received our refund (and interest) but never an explanation. The local IRS office and the arbitrator seemed genuinely confused by the ordeal using terms like 'very strange' and 'unusual' but never could explain why it happened. One wonders.

14 May 2013

So What Happened to the 'Islamic Video' Benghazi Scapegoat?

The Fate of Basseley Nakoula...

The wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time: Nakoula was out on “supervised release” for a federal bank fraud conviction. 

He was $700,000 behind on restitution payments and operating under an alias when he made “The Innocence of Muslims,” a crappy movie that got turned into a YouTube video clip that in turn became the pretext of riots in Egypt and then -it is now generally acknowledged- was utilized as a flimsy excuse by the State Department in an attempt to distract from its embarrassing failures in the September attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya...

Continued @ The Other McCain

Benghazigate Timeline... in Pictures

After months of begging for better security, one day
Ambassador Stevens places a panicked call for HELP... 
hillary not now ambassador stevens benghazi  obama sleeps benghazi

Benghazigate Funnies

13 May 2013

THIS is the Week where Benghazigate Devours the Wicked Obama Regime

You won't have to wait for any investigations, 
Obama has made so many enemies at State Dept, 
CIA, and Pentagon, it's all coming out out now... 

06 May 2013

Libs Think It's Funny How Amnesty Would Kill the GOP- But Who in their Right Mind Wants Permanent One-Party Rule?

'If the Soviet Union ever let another political party 
come into existence, they would still be a one-party state
-because everybody would join the other party' -Ronald Reagan


Carville's Panicked Dog Whistle to the Left:

Commence w/ the Palin treatment, evilmonkeys!

04 May 2013

Krauthammer: THE FALL of Obama

'For Obama, gun control was a political disaster...'

FALL ing Obama

Rick Perry Flattens Targets w/ AR-15
LIKE A BOSS in NRA Intro Video

This video was played prior to Governor Rick Perry's walking on-stage -to great applause- at the NRA-IRL Leadership Forum in Houston yesterday, part of the 2013 NRA Annual Meetings:

'Welcome to Texas, ladies and gentlemen!' 


03 May 2013

Jutty Ranx: I SEE YOU


Five Ways Lousy Gang o' 8 Immigration Bill Resembles Obamacare

I thought that stench smelled familiar...

Immigration Bill Resembles Obamacare

Boy Scouts USA to Intro

Note that either this new 'Sustainability' merit badge
-to be released in July 2013- OR 'Environmental Science'
is now required for attainment of the top Eagle Scout rank (makes me feel better about just getting to 'Life')

So as with American schools, KGB-initiated leftist infiltration of our country is nearly complete- as is demoralization of the populace. 

Continuing to force this junk science down our -and our childrens'- throats does nothing but distract the entire society from reality while NWO statists take the reigns... might as well offer an 'Alchemy' MB while they're at it: